Sunday, October 23, 2011

Moving Day

Right, so breaking my ass was not only bad, it was bad timing.  Yesterday was our designated moving day for office furniture.

At the initial planning stage, the goal seemed simple:  Move some desks and chairs from Matt's old office to our basement.  I guess you could say that things began to go awry with my injury.  I was not 100 percent of course, but I swallowed a handful of Advil and was ready to have at it.

Next it was us vs. the desks.  Apparently, steel desks weigh about 7,000 lbs each.  We were taking them apart.  Drill?  Check.  Figuring out how to get the drawers out of the file cabinets?  Well... we lifted them, pushed them, pulled them, flipped them in every angle we could think.  Pushed on things that looked like release buttons, but weren't.  About an hour later, Matt gave one a mighty yank, and... it came right out.  Nice.


Down a flight of stairs with a 180 degree landing in the middle.  Why this building doesn't have an elevator is beyond me.  But anyway, three of these desks who's parts were only slightly lighter than the sum, went down the stairs.  We had developed an excellent system by the final trip down.

And of course, I looted.  I mean, it was an office - and everything in it was getting thrown away.  Envelopes, post-it's, organizational racks and drawer things, pens, sweet Jesus - I think that made everything else worth it.

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